Do you want to know more? SMARTS is an implementation of behavior trees, a method for creating artificial intelligence for games first employed in HALO.

During the fall semester of 2009, three students from the Game and Engine Development course at Aalborg Univesity set out to find out new things about the game AI technique known as behavior trees. The framework here is the result of the first part of this work. It includes:

SMARTS Designer
The tool used to create behavior trees in a visual manner.
SMARTS Library
The core of the behavior tree system, and that which allows for calculations to be made on the behavior trees created using SMARTS Designer.
A game based around the concepts originally developed by Namco for Pac-Man™, in which all opponents (and optionally the player's character) are controlled by behavior trees.
Gluon plugins
A preliminary implementation of a set of plugins for the Gluon game development system.


In SMARTS Designer, editing the Search tree

The test bed game playing with itself

The behavior tree controlling Clyde


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SMARTS source code (451KB)

This is the package containing the library, tool and test bed which was developed through so far four months of hard work. It contains the source code for the project, and is in fact a git clone of the repository on the 18th of December, 2009. Should you wish to download a binary version, there are two versions supplied below.

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SMARTS Windows binary(2.6MB)

A zipped archive containing binaries of the SMARTS Library and SMARTS Designer, as well as the test application.

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SMARTS MacOS X binary(328.3KB)

A zipped archive containing binaries of the SMARTS Library and SMARTS Designer.

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Project Report (7MB)

Documentating the process and the decisions made during the creation of SMARTS as well as the test conducted using the testbed game, the project report is an explanation of why the system has ended up functioning and looking as it has

External Data

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Visit the Project Site

The Gluon SMARTS project is hosted on gitorious, which is a free open source project hosting system based around the distributed versioning system Git.

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The AiGameDev website is a website run by Alex Champanard, and it is dedicated to the furthering and exploration of artificial intelligence in games, and the main source of information on industry use of behavior trees.

Test Data Screenshots

The complete set of screenshots for each of the tests conducted. Further, each item also has a link to an Excel 2007 spreadsheet with the corresponding data, as well as the raw output txt file.

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Blinky, with learning and scatter

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Blinky, no learning, no scatter

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Blinky, no learning, with scatter

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Clyde, with learning and scatter

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Clyde, no learning, with scatter

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Pinky, no learning, with scatter

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Pure random